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#Vishal #Vikranth #Lakshmimenon #Bharathiraja #SooriPandiya Naadu is a Indian Tamil action film directed by Suseenthiran and produced by Vishal. The fil. Along with similar movies like Vedhalam, Pandiya Naadu, and Anjaan. Watch trailers & find online streaming movies on JustDial's Movies online. poojai tamil movie download p bfdcm · Rocky Handsome movie tamil dubbed in p. Pandiya Nadu is a Tamil movie album released on Music of Pandiya Nadu songs are composed by D. Imman. Pandiya Nadu album has 9 songs sung by Suraj Santhosh, Remya Nambeesan, Anand Aravindakshan, Hariharasudan, Pawan, Natraj, Anthony Daasan, Pazhaniyammal, Instrumental. The star cast includes Vishal, Lakshmi Menon.
Shiva has a good job and lives with his family but it all changes when his brother is killed by a gangster. While the meek Shiva makes a plan to avenge his b. Subscribe & Stay connected: bltadwin.ru?sub_confirmation=1Movie Name: Pandiya NaaduDirected by: Suse. Movie Name: Pandiya NaaduDirected by: SuseenthiranStarring: Vishal,Vikranth,Lakshmi Menon,BharathirajaMusic by: D. ImmanProducer.