Netflix Movie Data. This dataset (source: Kaggle) contains information of almost Netflix movies and shows. You can try a lot of data science concepts on this dataset; some examples are given at the end of this template. # Load packages import numpy as . · Yes I downloaded my Viewing Data from Netflix. But bltadwin.ru file just had two columns: 'Title' and 'Date'. As I had few records, I manually entered the Genre and Duration fields. (But that's not the most optimal solution to do it right?) I was wondering how you got the '#of Times Watched","Genre" and "Time Watched(min) data for your report. · Download the bltadwin.ru archive and extract the files; Check your java version by opening the terminal and type java -version. 1 Gather information regarding your viewing activity. First we need to retrieve the viewing history file from Netflix.
From a web browser, go to your Account page. Open the Profile & Parental Controls settings for the profile you want to see. Open Viewing activity. If you see a limited list, use the Show More button. To download a list into a spreadsheet, select Download all at the bottom of the page. The downloaded file can be opened using any spreadsheet. If you go to and scroll to the bottom and click "Download All" You get bltadwin.ru file that has every episode you've ever watch (unique to the current Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Download CSV of your viewing activity on Netflix. Well, creating a new R script, you can import the packages that we will be using and the downloaded CSV data to start analyzing them, with a more readable date format.
From a web browser, go to your Account page. Open the Profile & Parental Controls settings for the profile you want to see. Open Viewing activity. If you see a limited list, use the Show More button. To download a list into a spreadsheet, select Download all at the bottom of the page. The downloaded file can be opened using any spreadsheet. Netflix Movies and TV Shows. About this Dataset: Netflix is one of the most popular media and video streaming platforms. They have over movies or tv shows available on their platform, as of mid, they have over M Subscribers globally. This tabular dataset consists of listings of all the movies and tv shows available on Netflix. What are CSV files? CSV files are text files with information separated by commas, saved with the bltadwin.ru They allow large amounts of detailed data to be transferred ‘machine-to-machine’, with little or no reformatting by the user. You can open a CSV file with any spreadsheet, statistics, or analysis program, such as Microsoft Excel.