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Basit Khan 1/19/ PM. Download or read online free Urdu book "Chonka Dene Wali Paishangoiyan" (Shocking Predictions), authored by Mian Mohammad Afzal. Chonka Dene Wali Pashangoiyan Pdf Urdu book is about the predictions of Nostradamus and Hazrat Shah Nimat Ullah Wali. I have compiled the pages of Siyara Digest where this article was. Syed Naimatullah shah Wali was a great scholar of islam. Copy link. He spent his more time of life in Syria, Central Asia, and Iran. In the end, there is a compiler's suggestion for Pakistan's present and coming Ruling elite, Politicians, Generals & Commanders of all three Armed Forces in particular and public in general that the Predictions of Hazrat Naimatullah Shah Wali (RA)demand utmost. This book has the size of mb and posted into miscellaneous books and naimatullah shah wali urdu bltadwin.ru the below mentioned mediafire link to download peshan gohi urdu pdf or. Free books islami islamic books naimat ullah books naimat ullah peshan goye naimatullah shah wali kashmir naimatullah shah wali predictions about iran.
C omplete Book of Years Predictions by Hazrat Naimatullah Shah Wali (R.A.) with a lot of explanations and summary of future predictions (at pages 53 to 57) compiled by Nawabzadah Niaz Dil Khan is posted below. Free download pdf urdu book Qaseeda Naimatullah Shah Wali (Predictions) By Hafiz Sarwar Nizami. Collection of Urdu Books, Urdu Novel Book, Pakistani Urdu book, Islamic books, Urdu poetry books, Pakistani Urdu novels, Urdu humour books, islamic books, online book, online, book, Pakistani book store, digest, digests, South Asia, urdu Poetry, urdu. The book "Paishangoiyan" (predictions) contains on the Persian language poetry of Shah Nimat Ullah Wali in which he had predicted many events in the shape of poems just like Nostradamus did. Many of his prediction became true. Mr. Nimat Ullah Shah Wali also a spiritual personality. His predictions about the division of United India, Russian war.